Delong, Ł., Wüthrich, 2024, Isotonic regression for variance estimation and its role in mean estimation and model validation
Articles, 01-07-2023
I work as a Full Professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences at University of Warsaw. I have PhD in Mathematics, Habilitation Degree in Economics and Professor title in Economics and Finance. I am an actuary with license no. 130 issued by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, the Head of the Examination Committee for Actuaries at the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and a Board Member of the Polish Society of Actuaries. My scientific research includes different areas of actuarial mathematics with emphasis on stochastic modelling of financial risks and actuarial statistical learning. I am an Editor of ASTIN Bulletin – The Journal of International Actuarial Association.
01.04.2024 – See the new actuarial programme at WNE UW starting from the academic year 2024/2025
01.02.2024 – Read new versions of papers about istotonic regresion for variance modelling and one-year vs ultimate correlations
Promoted based on scientific and didactic achievements under the Higher Education and Science Law
Promoted based on a series of publications on Applications of Backward Stochastic Differential Equations to Insurance and Finance
PhD thesis: Optimal investment strategies in financial markets driven by a Lévy process, with applications to insurance
Supervised by Professor Łukasz Stettner (IM PAN)
Defended with distinction
Diploma thesis: Ruin probabilities under force of interest
Supervised by Professor Agata Boratyńska (SGH)
Graduated with honours
Adres e-mail:
Łukasz Delong
44/50 Dluga street, 00-241 Warsaw
Room: B311
Consultancy hours: please send an e-mail